
Projects and events promoted by GREENOVET

Green Innovation & Green Technologies

An event took place in May at the Green Science Station in Graz (Austria) to raise awareness and inspire not only children and young people, but also the general public on the theme “Green Innovation & Green Technologies”.Why is it important to save the environment and how can Vocational Training Education in green innovation support this? What can we all do for a sustainable lifestyle?The Green Science Station, hosted by the GREENOVET partners from Graz and Austria, within the European Week for Vocational Skills, used presentations, games, quizzes and showcases to show how vocational education and training in green innovation and technology can foster the green and digital transition and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. The event took place in the framework of the Long Night of Research, organised by three Austrian federal ministries.


Sublinhou que as empresas mais pioneiras apostam no hidrogénio e na eletrificação para reduzir as emissões de CO2, e mostrou que algumas já apresentam ganhos em vendas e custo de capital. A descarbonização é um dos maiores desafios que o setor industrial enfrenta atualmente.
A integração e adoção de energias alternativas é parte integrante da 'Dimensão de Transição Climática' do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) que visa alavancar a descarbonização do setor industrial e empresarial em Portugal, bem como promover uma mudança de paradigma no uso de recursos.